Bug Fixes & UI Improvements
- Fixed bug to redirect a user to an active scenario when they use a direct link to a deleted scenario
- Fixed bug where resolution of a screenshot was reset to “small” when the screenshot type was changed
- Show 2D/3D camera controls for unsubmitted scenarios
- Added hover tooltip on project name to show full name text
- Project dashboard screen overhaul:
- New ordering options
- Project list broken into: All Projects, Shared with me, Favorites, and Demos
- Added ability to mark projects as Favorites
- The scenario list table in project settings is now sortable by clicking on the column headers
- Allow a user to enter a custom clothing profile for TC simulations (for subscribers)
UI Improvements
- Fixed bug where editing scenario metrics weren’t saved when the edit window was launched from the viewer button (as opposed to the scenario list button)
- Fixed bug where “aspect ratio” of screenshot controls wasn’t preserved when closing and re-opening the control panel
- Added a “no scenarios” view to the viewer when an OTP user logs in with a link to a project that has no scenarios
- The date format of “date simulation” and “date created” in the scenarios table has been changed to YYYY-MM-DD
- Fixed default time ranges for 4 and 5 times of day
- Re-implement fix to disregard whitespaces in roughness import csv files
- Added solar results on the sides of the study building
- Ability to duplicate a scenario including geometry and parameters
- Ability to edit metric selection after the geometry has been uploaded
UI Improvements
- Added simulation date and software version used to the Simulation Settings
- Renamed “Ventilation Potential” to “Statistical Wind”
- Added ability to capture screenshot and make it the project tile image
- Screenshot tool can now be moved around the screen
UI Improvements
- Analysis Internal added to simulation settings panel (when Solar Daylight metric requested)
- Added “run date” of simulation to the simulation settings panel
- Users can now add up to 5 time frames for TC simulations (and be charged the proper extra-season credit amount)
- GLTF compression updated, improving load time and animation smoothness
- Added tooltip to scenario selection dropdown to show the full simulation name
- Added a checkmark and bolding to the scenario selection dropdown item that represents the selected entry
- Users are now informed of unsaved changes when adding/removing geometry and are prompted to save
Bug Fixes & UI Improvements
- Removed data tab in split-view
- The scenario picker in the layer panel is now sorted alphabetically
- Reduced scenario dropdown max height for smaller screens
- When creating a new scenario, any added complementary analysis types are removed if the primary analysis type is changed to an option without complementary types
- Remove edit/delete buttons from project scenarios tab when user doesn’t have edit scenario permissions
- Fixed bug where custom met label wasn’t applied to custom met uploads
- Changing scenarios with graph mode active now correctly clears graph mode
- Fixed bug that would allow SPMV and SPMV-Hot to be selected at the same time
- Improved browser stability when loading large amounts of layers or taking screenshots
- Fixed several bugs related to deleting files that have been added to the file uploader during simulation creation
- Memory usage optimizations in the 3D visualizer
- Wind directions & terrain simulation setting now displays the wind profile name instead of the associated z0 value
- Ability to specify a custom durst factor for cladding simulations
- Update cladding RMS color scales as well as legends for min/max/rms worst case plots
- Added separate color legend for volumetric plots
- Removed the option to select a weather source in the scenario creation window when multiple weather sources are available. Weather source is selectable during parameter submission
- Update to wind profile z0 values for cladding simulations
Bug Fixes
- Added fix to properly filter presentation planes lists in split mode to only those relevant to each window
- Fixed bug where window of 2nd viewer wasn’t sized correctly when entering split-view
- Fixed validation bug that let a cladding sim get submitted without an ack file or internal pressure for UpX metrics
- Changed “learn more” link for shared socioeconomic pathways
- Added AI model to simulation settings panel
- Update product-fruits to give tours specific to a user’s assigned role
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various bugs and race conditions causing null reference errors in the project settings panels
- Fixed bug where surrounds generation button could be missing
- Fixed truncated legend text
- Restored proper color of ground file on translucent theme
- Simulation parameters are now shown on the “simulation submitted” notification email
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with geometry files sometimes sticking around after being deleted
- Fixed bug where uploaded geometry files were sometimes missing after reloading the simulation
- Reduced sensitivity of mouse drag detection when determining whether a user clicked to place a probe or dragged to move the camera
- Fixed duplicate wind rose display bug on volumetric layers
- Data downloading available
- Lawson and RWDI criteria available for AI simulation
- Added “Getting Started Roadmap” to help menu
- New split view dropdown with icons
- New theme dropdown with icons
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where hitting “back” from scenario parameters panel only saved the first time it was clicked
- Fixed error in sim parameters form default values that caused immediate validation error when using 5 times/day for TC results
- Added ability to export wind rose and color legend
- Faster thermal comfort processing
- Time of Day added to wind rose labels
- Adds directional glyphs to AI directional results
- Adds ability to create a scenario in the ‘project settings – scenarios’ tab
- Weather station map only shows airport stations until the “show more” option is selected in the weather station dropdown, ensuring the map pins match what’s available in the dropdown
- Completed scenarios can now be renamed
- Added wind direction selection for direct users when running CFD simulations
Bug Fixes
- Fixed project list sorting when project names include special characters
- Fixed bug where clearing layers from the layer panel didn’t update the user’s saved-layers collection
- Fixed bug where simulation parameters were lost if the parameters panel was minimized
- Fixed misnamed windroses when the met used for a project wasn’t a weather station but the first selected weather source for the project was a weather station
- Added ability for users to detect and correct errors with MET data prior to submission of their simulation
- Added request parameter to MET station query to ensure that the MET stations returned all claim to support wind speed and wind direction
- Dashboard screen UI overhaul, introduced subscription information panel allowing users to see how many credits they have available (aka “marketing bar”)
- Added ability to send notifications to all users in the system (release notes, upcoming events, outages, etc.)
- New surrounds creation engine; faster and more robust
- On first sign-in of a company’s first admin, the user is prompted to add additional users
- Added ability to probe data values within a results layer for all new AI simulations
- Set default credit type for a simulation to “subscription” if the current user has a subscription assigned
- Re-added functionality to display scenario notes in the simulation settings panel
- Added ability to sort the `simulation usage` table on the Company Administration page
- Added a ‘clear’ button to the layer panel that removes all layers that have been added
Bug Fixes
- Prevent invalid scenario submission that was possible using the ‘enter’ key to submit the new scenario form
- Fixed bug where default layers and saved layers can create duplicates
- Adds mutli-image export functionality to screenshot tools
- update color legends to show subtitles with seasons, times of day, clothing, and activity levels from the selected layer
- Adds deep linking to Insight pages and project properties pages
- Update the labels for roughness values to simplify and match the latest help site updates
- Layers added to the layer panel are now saved and persisted the next time the user returns to that scenario
- Season and time-of-day names are now customizable when submitting a scenario
Bug Fixes
- Fixed layout issues that occurred when the browser’s font size was changed from the default “medium” value
- Fixed bug where deleting a file from an inbound scenario and re-uploading a different file with the same name caused the first file to reappear
- Fixed timeout issue that could occur doing an address lookup to center the project map in the correct location
- Fixed bug where default criteria for an analysis type wasn’t tied to the selected job level
- Fixed issue where multiple color legends could be returned for a selected layer
Bug Fixes
- fixed issues with latitude and longitude entry when creating a project.
- bug fix to allow project image to be removed and changed once uploaded.
- updated presentation plane colors for each theme.
- added met station name to wind rose for AI simulation.
- added “scenarios” table to project properties page. Scenarios can also be deleted from here.
- added “Book a demo” link to help menu.
- filter MET station list to only show airports by default.
- next button is disabled if no custom met data in project creation.
New Features
- added “split-view” mode for easy scenario comparison.
- project image can now be set from the project settings page.
- adds details about selected MET data to the resources tab of the a project’s settings page.
- added ability to manually enter latitude and longitude during project creation to center the map.
Bug Fixes
- fixed bug where annual seasons weren’t generated for Abridged criteria if the seasons were set to “default”.
New Features
- add additional automated validation tests
- Ground plane is volume
- Presentation plane is volume
- Ground plane too large
- Surrounds file too large
- Presentation plane is too close to the ground
- Ground plane lowest point is not at z=0
- x/y origin is close to 0
- updated project creation workflow to select the project latitude/longitude via a map instead of manual entry
- replace integers representing months in the simulation settings with the month names
- added surrounds creation option to new project creation workflow
- added validation to ensure that the user is notified if a metric can no longer copy seasons from another due to the other metric increasing its seasons beyond the maximum of the copying metric
- added a help menu to the app header that allows searching of the help site
Bug Fixes
- stopped excess loading of the same color legend when toggling a layer that contains multiple assets
- fixed bug where a scenario would load, then the page would quickly reset a few seconds later
New Features
- Users can now customize seasons on AI simulations (previously season choice was fixed)
- New information panel (viewable via old “keyboard controls” button) that details parameters used to run the simulation
- Added additional terrain categories for wind direction selection
- Added an “automatic geometry validation” tool to the the scenario creation flow. Users can run a series of automated validation steps including presentation plane height, floating building detection, and total surface area validation.
- Moved the “remesh in progress” notice out of the submit button’s tooltip so it’s always visible on the screen (previously, a user had to hover over the submit button to see status)
- Added a legend showing what each color of marker represents on the weather station map
Bug Fixes
- Performance improvements for faster project searches and page load times
- Fixed season validation on simulation parameters form so it allows 2 month long seasons
- Fixed issue where creating a simulation before the list of metrics was loaded could cause the simulation type to be set incorrectly
- Fixed issues with remeshing jobs occasionally getting stuck in “pending” status
- Fixed bug where project list pagination didn’t work correctly when the page was loaded with a search filter via the url
- Fixed bug where geometry would sometimes disappear after being added to a new scenario
New Features
- Beta release of AI cladding engine. Please contact support@orbitalstack.com to have this feature enabled
- Users can now choose between modelled weather data at the project site or measured data from a user-selectable nearby weather station (recommended)
- wind roses now show calm wind percentage
- Updated workflow for selecting Thermal Comfort as an analysis type. User now adds it in the first step of the scenario creation workflow as a “complimentary analysis type”.
Bug Fixes
- file uploads on scenario creation are now restricted to STL files
- fixed bug preventing user from changing geometry to fix a failed AI submission
- fixed display bug for scenarios with long names
- fixed some Firefox specific layout bugs
New Features:
- Users can now create new scenarios in the result viewer. An “Add Scenario” option was added to the scenario selection dropdown.
- Project share invitation emails now contain a link to a help page describing how to accept the share invitation.
- Project search criteria is now part of the page url as a query param, enabling linking to the project list page with a search already provided.
- When entering the project settings page from the project-list page with a search applied, you can navigate back to project-list with the search still applied.
- Workflow improvements to the new scenario creation wizard. Simulations are now selected by job level and refined by specifying an analysis and metrics.
- When a user is assigned a role of “viewer” in the company admin page, any subscriptions assigned to that user will be removed. A modal window asks the user to confirm the removal of the subscriptions.
Bug Fixes:
- Clicking on the compass now rotates to north orientation without moving the camera target.
- Fixed issue that showed multiple wind roses if the names were too similar.
- UI now displays error messages when geometry files fail to upload (such as when filenames start with a number) instead of showing as uploading indefinitely.
- Fixed issue with aspect ratio becoming skewed in 2D.
- When loading an AI simulation that’s in progress, it will load with the last status update shown instead of always showing “starting simulation”.
- Limit AI simulations to a minimum of 6 wind directions.
- Fixed bug that caused loading errors on project settings page if you toggled to the “share” tab before the “detail” tab finished loading.
New Features:
- Added new “Surrounds/Context Model Generation” feature, via project resources page, which generates a surrounds model from Open Street Maps (OSM) data and makes it available for the user to download as an STL file.
- Added a “View Project” link to the project settings page, which brings the user into the viewer to look at their project results
- Added “Shared By: ” banner to projects tiles that are shared with the user from someone outside of the company.
- Immediately remove notification of pending project shares if the invite is cancelled
- Set the project name as the title on the project settings page
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where the surrounds model theme was not applied on some projects
New Features:
- Added “Share with RWDI” feature to project settings
- Removed “File Upload In Progress” notification from file upload panel and showed it as a button tooltip instead
- Added ability for users to check-off the geometry validation steps they’ve completed. UI doesn’t enforce that they are checked but recommends it via tooltip and secondary button style.
- Replaced various success/failure banners with pop-up notifications in the lower right corner of the screen
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed “share with user” functionality so the email address entered isn’t case-sensitive
- Fixed issue where Viewer container UI was displayed when the error banner was visible
- Fixed issue where saving file uploads, then going back and adding a new file could cause any remeshing already in-progress to restart
New Features:
- Administrator now has the ability to grant a user permission to re-share a project
- Project administrators can now revoke a share they have previously made of a project
- Project administrators will be notified when a project is shared or reshared
- Added ability to designate users as administrators of specific projects
- Redesign of the project settings screen user interface
- Added a list of project admins and org admins to the project settings page
- Users now have the ability to remove a project share they’ve previously accepted
- Demo project cards now contain a “demo” badge
- User / Administration menu (dropdown in upper right) has been redesigned
- Added the simulation type (AI or CFD) as a qualifier to the list of scenarios on the back of the project cards
- Added “Learn More” links on the Project Settings and Company Administration pages that link to the relevant help articles about how to use the page
- Added paging to the users table in the company administration page
- Added paging to the usage history table in the company administration page
- Added a “back to project list” button on the project settings and company administration pages
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the wind rose and color legend could disappear when switching between scenarios
- Fixed a bug where clicking the compass not only rotated you back to a north orientation, but also reset the camera angle and zoom levels to the default settings
- Improved load time of projects that contained a large number of scenarios by loading the selected scenario first and the others in the the background
- Fixed a bug where username check on login was case-sensitive
New Features:
- Self registration enabled – customers can now register themselves for a new account
- Company management – customers can manage permissions for projects within their company entity, review subscriptions and usage, create new user accounts within their company, and control who has access to run simulations
- Users with view-only permissions can only view projects
- Monthly subscription options are now available for AI simulations
- A new “project settings” screen allows a company to restrict who has access to view a project
- Groups of users can be created in the company administration section to facilitate sharing a project with specific groups of people within the company
- Project sharing – Projects can be shared with individuals directly, including individuals outside of the user’s company (new users are sent an invite to create a free account)
- Any project shared with a user outside of the company will always be read-only for that user
UI Improvements:
- Project details (metadata) can now be edited after creation
- Improved notifications that now inform the user if/why a simulation couldn’t be submitted
Bug Fixes:
- The button to collapse the layer panel no longer ends up out of place when the global error banner is displayed
- Fixed a bug where the submission of too large geometry files would lead to an unrecoverable workflow because the geometry upload panel would no longer be visible
- Fixed a bug where the scenario note disappeared if you toggled a terrain value on the form after setting it
- Fixed a bug where the CFD parameters would change from Full back to Wind-Only after changing a season’s value
- Updated the project screen to support returning more than 17 matching projects when using the project search feature
New Features:
- Scenario creation has been updated for a smoother, wizard-driven user experience with live preview of files, and integrated parameter setup
- Users are now required to accept the EULA before using the software
- Added ability to delete a saved camera
- Project search functionality now searches all project fields instead of just ‘name’
- Added ‘subtitle’ field to color legends
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed global error that occurred navigating away from a project details screen while asset loading was in progress
- Fixed text on emails (password reset for example) that wasn’t converted to a url properly
- Removed default Extra Season on CFD parameters form
This release has a number of minor fixes and enhancements.
New Features:
- Added support for “Subtitle” to color legends. This means we can have two sets of text in the legends when set up correctly in the manifest (ie Name of the chat as the title, and seasons and other qualifiers as sub title)
- Added active notification support to the viewer toolbar to track MET data collection status, enabling the ‘submit’ button without the user refreshing the page (previously released)
Bug Fixes:
- fixed incorrect wind labels (previously released)
- removed web socket notification that would inform a user that their simulation was complete but when they navigated to the results it was still empty. (previously released).
- Fix seasons and time range parameters not showing up on submit scenario email
- Handle error when MET data would sometimes not download correctly on project creation
- Fix global error message that would sometimes appear after new scenario submission or if the user started loading an asset and then returned to the project list page before it’s loading had completed.
- Fix to infinite wait that would sometimes happen in the layers list on certain old projects.
Release 0.10.1
New Features:
- added AI Engine with MET scaled results and ‘Abridged Comfort Criteria’ combined plots
- added ability to take screenshots / export images
- added clipping pane functionality to reveal buried results at specific elevations
- integrated CFD parameter form into scenario creation workflow
Bug Fixes:
- fixed issue where “toggle sidebar” button could get bumped out of position on the screen
- fixed issue where “edit scenario” modal was not opening when there was an error on a submitted AI simulation
Release 0.8.2
New Features:
- added project search field to project-list page
- moved scenario selection control from the main toolbar to inside the layers-panel
- new url route (pattern) for results in the front end. Redirects are in place to redirect old bookmarks to new routes
- added validation to ensure configurations can’t be submitted without the right geometry and parameters.
- changed “Scenario Note” field to a multi-line field (in new scenario dialog)
Bug Fixes:
- refactored latitude and longitude to be collected independently of the project’s address
- fixed issues associated with non-unique filenames being used during geometry upload during new scenario creation
- fixed issues with some layer labels being incorrectly abbreviated
- fixed bug where some layers couldn’t be toggled off without first changing configurations
Bug Fixes:
New Features:
- link from legend to help pages about the different metrics (datasets)
- bug fix: black building
bug fix: loaded layers disappear if you have been logged in for too long
Added the geometry highlight theme
- added ability to load multiple layers without needing to reopen the “Add” dialog
- remember loaded layers as you switch from one scenario to another
- ability to upload multiple assets of the same type at time of scenario creation
ability to preview a new scenario
Added colour themes to the UI, including translucent view
- better description on layers including a tool that pops up to describe the layer
- Add ability to edit the name of the saved camera angle
Added ability to pan models up/down (in addition to left/right and back/forward)
- Adds a data interpretation button on colour scales linking to the help site (if a link is added in the manifest)
- Renames porous fields in the create scenario modal
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where loading expired simulation assets caused the deletion of all LayerSets from the side panel
- Fixes an issue where
was nested under the scenario rather than the project