Hunt Pedestrian Wind Criteria

The Hunt et al Wind Criteria is a standard used (mainly in Taiwan) to assess the impacts of wind conditions in pedestrian-oriented locations. In general, strong winds and – in particular – strong wind gusts can negatively impact the pedestrian experience and may even pose a safety risk. 

Pedestrian Wind Comfort Criteria aim to classify different locations by the activities pedestrians may tolerate under predicted wind conditions. In essence, pedestrians can tolerate different strengths of wind depending on their activity and how long they are exposed to these conditions. For example, someone sitting on a bench for a few minutes to rest may appreciate a strong breeze; on the other hand, diners enjoying an evening on an outdoor patio may find that same breeze to quickly become a nuisance. 

The Hunt Wind Criteria characterizes wind conditions for different activity types by the Gust Wind Speed, as defined by the equation below:

Activity Location Description Gust Wind Speed (mph) Gust Wind Speed (kph) Gust Wind Speed (m/s)
Sitting / Standing (Long) Outdoor dining areas, patios, and other locations where pedestrians are expected to stay for long periods of time. ≤ 13.5 ≤ 21.5 ≤ 6
Sitting / Standing (Short) Public parks, plazas and other locations where pedestrians may only stay for short periods of time. ≤ 20 ≤ 32 ≤ 9
Walking Sidewalks, pathways, and other pedestrian thoroughfares. ≤ 20 ≤ 32 ≤ 9

Want to speak to an Expert Wind Consultant?

Schedule a one-hour consultation session with an expert from RWDI to explore potential mitigation strategies and gain insights in the event the wind speeds at your site deviate from the intended activity.

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