Weather Station Selection

When it comes to conducting simulations within the Orbital Stack Application, choosing the right weather station is crucial. The accuracy and reliability of the data collected can greatly impact the results of your project. In this post, we will explore the different options available and provide recommendations for optimal outcomes.

Measured Data: The Preferred Option

Measured data is considered the gold standard for meteorological scaling in wind simulations. It offers the highest level of accuracy, making it the preferred choice when a good quality weather station is within 100 kilometers of your project site. For optimal results, we highly recommend selecting an international airport weather station.

Why Choose an International Airport Weather Station?

International airports use high precision weather equipment situated in open areas, with limited interaction caused by buildings or construction. This ensures clean, reliable, and high-fidelity data for your simulations. When selecting a weather station, the Orbital Stack viewer conveniently sorts the options, placing airports at the top of the list based on their proximity to your project site, taking into account elevation differences.

Considerations for Non-Airport Weather Stations

While international airports are the most reliable choice, there may be instances where you need to consider alternative weather stations. However, it’s important to note that these stations are generally less dependable and have been known to produce inaccurate or flawed data. If you encounter any issues with your simulation due to poor data quality, we recommend reaching out to your Orbital Stack Representative or contacting for assistance.

Modelled Data: An Alternative Approach

In cases where suitable measured data is not available within 100 kilometers of your project site or the nearby weather stations have inferior quality, modelled data (based on weather models) can be a viable alternative. Although not as accurate as measured data, it can still provide valuable insights for your simulations.

Thermal Comfort Simulations and Data Sources

For thermal comfort simulations, Orbital Stack utilizes modelled data for temperatures, humidity, and solar radiation specific to your project site. However, the wind direction and wind speed are sourced from the measured data weather source you have selected. This combination allows for a comprehensive analysis while maintaining the highest level of accuracy possible.

Factors to Consider in Weather Station Selection

When selecting a weather station, it’s important to consider various factors to ensure the reliability and relevance of the data collected. Let’s explore some key considerations:

  • Proximity to Project Site: Choosing a weather station near your project site is essential for accurate simulations. The closer the station, the more representative the data will be of the specific conditions at your location. Aim for a weather station within a 100-kilometer radius whenever possible.
  • Elevation Differences: Elevation differences between the weather station and your project site can significantly impact the accuracy of the data. Orbital Stack takes into account these elevation differences when sorting the weather station options, providing you with the most precise results.
  • Data Quality and Reliability: The reliability and quality of the data produced by a weather station are paramount. International airport weather stations are equipped with reliable instruments and adhere to rigorous standards, ensuring trustworthy and dependable data. While non-airport weather stations may be an option in certain cases, exercise caution as their data reliability may be compromised.

Best Practices for Weather Station Selection

To help you make informed decisions when selecting a weather station, we have compiled a list of best practices:

  • Prioritize International Airports: Whenever possible, prioritize international airport weather stations due to their high precision, reliability, and adherence to stringent standards. This will ensure the most accurate and dependable data for your simulations.
  • Consult with Experts: If you are unsure about which weather station to choose don’t hesitate to contact your Orbital Stack representative to guide you and ensure the success of your simulations.

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