Getting Started & General Information 39 How do I get Started? Do I need to be an expert in CFD Software to use Orbital Stack? What’s included on the Getting Started Onboarding Roadmap? How does Orbital Stack differ from other CFD Tools? Where does Orbital Stack get its weather data?
Projects & Simulations 30 What happens when I duplicate a scenario? What type of projects can I upload? How do I understand / interpret my results? How can I gain a comprehensive understanding of what each result layer represents? How do I find the duplicate option?
Technical Guidance 49 What are the geometry requirements? What should I do if my “City is Too Big”? What should I do if my files are too large? How does Orbital Stack integrate Future Climate Data into simulations? What is the smallest size (thickness) object that Orbital Stack can handle when it goes to meshing?
Pricing & Credits 12 Is it possible to cancel my monthly subscription? Is there a minimum time commitment for the monthly subscription packages? How do I purchase a Future Climate Simulations? Do my credits roll over each month when I subscribe to a monthly subscription package? What is included in the 1 hr of free onboarding training?
Preparing Geometry 7 Can I update the overlay file after uploading it? What if my overlay layer is not visible in the simulation results? Can I use multiple overlay files? Why do I need to raise the overlay layer by 1.7 meters? What types of objects should be included in the overlay layer?