Directional Wind Color Legend (Horizontal)

A description of how to interpret the Directional Wind Color Legend (Horizontal) that is visible in the viewer.

Below is a description of how to interpret the Directional Wind Color Legend (Horizontal) that is visible in the viewer. Understanding these legends will help make the most out of analyzing your results.

Directional Wind Color Legend (Horizontal)

What is it measuring?

The average wind speed at a location for a defined season and wind direction (337.5 is NNW)

What does the scale mean?

The color scale indicates three types of zones; low, medium and high. These indicate a relative wind speed/intensity for a given area. The colors should not be taken as an absolute; they are meant to only indicate whether a specific location is expected to experience acceleration or deceleration of wind intensity

What options can I specify?

The Season is defined by the user (or predefined for them) by specifying a range of months.